
equine First-aid level 1-2-3
equine disaster plan

All our courses are in person or via ZOOM. They include:

online courses

Capture d’écran, le 2023-03-08 à 12.47.37

First Aid


4-hour course

in person or via ZOOM

159$ + tax

– How to find pain

– Know the vital signs

– React to a colic

– Founder

– Illness and injury while waiting for the veterinarian

– Prevention/reaction to choking

– Common nutrition/feeding mistakes

– Bandages for legs, body, hooves.

– Treat thrush, mud fever, hoof abscess and stone bruising and much more

Capture d’écran, le 2023-03-08 à 12.52.04

Equine First Aid


4-hour course

in person or via ZOOM

159$ + tax

Review best practices for safety on the ground

Equipment use during an extreme emergency with horses

Recognize and react to shock, heat stroke and hypothermia

– Advanced bandages for larger fatal wounds
– Rescue scenarios : what NOT to do, who to call and what to bring for a cast or stuck horse
– Advanced first-aid for a fractured leg, fatal gut wound, punctured lung, foriegn body and more.


Capture d’écran, le 2023-03-08 à 12.54.31

Equine First Aid


Equine disaster plan

4-hour course

in person or via ZOOM

159$ + tax

Make an equine disaster plan for the facility

– Practice to EVACUATE a herd of horses from the stable in 8min in case of a fire or roof collapse.
– How to evacuate a herd from the property in 1h in case of forest-fire, flooding and other natural disasters.
-Planning and fire prevention for all types of equestrian facilities, farms, stables.
-Important course for all staff and people who live/work with horses.
– Plus, how to introduce and desensitize your horses to the fire fighters and responders


safety on the ground


Safety on the ground

(6 years and over)

3-hour course

ONLY in person

125$ + tax


Learn the basics to safely approach, handle and lead horses.

Appropriate for children and adults wanting to learn the basics

Avoid common accidents


additionnal courses

Firefighter Course



Offered to Municipalities wanting their fire brigade to learn to handle horses in case of an emergency intervention

Contact us for more information on this service



Become an International Equine First-Aid instructor.

Organize clinics in your region and teach Equine First-Aid on ZOOM

1259$ + tax

(prerequisite certificate LEVEL 1-2-3)

Stay informed on future upcoming courses!